Herd Stewardship at EATSF ensures that the horses who provide such a valuable service to the community receive the best possible care.
Each horse serves approximately 5–11 participants on a weekly basis, with their activity tailored to their specific health needs. Our staff and volunteers work to make sure the horses are fed, exercised, groomed and bathed on a regular schedule. Depending on the horse, they are exercised weekly.
Each horse is fed a tailored blend of nutrients and hay three times a day. The farrier comes every four weeks, and the dentist visits once a year. The veterinarian comes twice a year for vaccinations and as needed due to medical emergencies. Annual costs associated with keeping a horse in our program is $7,500 per horse, this includes the care and feed, as well as any special equipment that is needed, including saddles, pads, bridles and halters. You can directly assist with providing premiere and expert care to these hardworking and loving therapy partners by donating to the Herd Stewardship Program.